The Atlas Alliance is an umbrella organization of disabled persons' organizations working to promote the rights and improve the living conditions of people with disabilities in the Global South. Our goals are equal rights for all and that all Norwegian development aid and humanitarian efforts are inclusive.
The Atlas Alliance was established by organizations of persons with disabilities in 1981. The organizations that created the foundation were:
· The Norwegian Association of Disabled (Handikapforbundet)
· The Norwegian Federation of Organisations of Disabled Persons (Funksjonshemmedes fellesorganisasjon)
· The Norwegian Association of the Blind and Partially Sighted (Blindeforbundet)
· The Norwegian Association of Persons with Developmental Disabilities (Norsk forbund for utviklingshemmede)
Later, the alliance has been joined by
· The Norwegian Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (Ryggmargsbrokk- og Hydrocefalusforeningen)
· Youth Mental Health Norway (Mental Helse Ungdom)
· Signo, and
· The Norwegian Association of the Deaf (Norges Døveforbund)
The Atlas Alliance supports the disabled persons' organizations in their solidarity work with partner organizations in the south. The Atlas Alliance can also support other organizations' inclusive aid work, such as "Together for Inclusion".