Norske myndigheter v/utenriksminister Anniken Huitfeldt
Norske humanitære aktører
Opprop om beskyttelse av funksjonshemmede i Ukraina
Funksjonshemmedebevegelsen i Norge slutter seg til oppropet fra The European Disability Forum (EDF), og vil be om at norske myndigheter og norske humanitære aktører tar et spesielt ansvar for å beskytte funksjonshemmede og bidra til funksjonshemmedes sikkerhet i den pågående krigen i Ukraina.
Funksjonshemmede er blant de mest marginaliserte i kriser og blir uforholdsmessig berørt av konflikt. I katastrofer er dødeligheten for funksjonshemmede to til fire ganger høyere enn for personer uten funksjonsnedsettelser.
Vi vil derfor spesielt rette oppmerksomheten til oppfordringene fra EDF, jfr. vedlagte brev:
«The European Disability Forum urges all parties to respect their obligations under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), in particular, Article 11 on situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies, the UN Security Council Resolution 2475 (2019) on Protection of Persons with Disabilities in Conflict, and to adhere to international humanitarian law and the humanitarian principles.
We call on the political leadership involved in this crisis to ensure that persons with disabilities must, on equal basis with all other civilians,
- be protected from violence, abuse and ill treatment
- have full access to all humanitarian aid, and
- full access to basic services including water and sanitation, education, healthcare, transport and information.
- Ensure guidance to civilians is accessible and understandable for all
Particular attention must be paid to those who are most at risk – including women, children, and persons with intellectual disabilities, psychosocial disabilities, and, deaf, blind and deafblind persons, as well as persons with high support needs.
Moreover, in line with CRPD article 4.3, EDF calls for duty bearers to ensure the meaningful participation of persons with disabilities, including their representative organisations, in all levels and at all stages of the conflict and ongoing humanitarian actions...
It is primarily the responsibility of governments, but also the international community and humanitarian actors, to ensure that such discrimination does not happen.”
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Med vennlig hilsen
Lilly Ann Elvestad(s) Janne Skei(s) Ingvild Østli(s) Morten Eriksen(s)
FFO SAFO Unge funksjonshemmede Atlas-alliansen